(A Government of India Enterprise)
“Khanij Bhavan”, 10-3-311/A, Masab Tank, Hyderabad-500173
Employment Notification No : 09 /2010 Dated: 08.06.2010
NMDC, a Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Steel, Government of India and a multi locational, multi product and consistently profit making Mining & Mineral Exploration Organization with large turnover is in the process of massive expansion and diversification activities both in India and abroad. The Company requires MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS for its Project Hospitals in Chhattisgarh , Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.
1. Jt. Chief Medical Officer / Dy. Chief Medical Officer
Pay-Scale - Rs. 43200-3%-66000/- (E5) / Rs. 36600-3%62000/- (E4)
Age - 50 Years
Experience - Rs. 13/10 years
2. Sr. Medical Officer / Medical Officer
Pay-Scale - Rs. 32900-3%-58000 (E3)/ Rs. 24900-3%-50500/- (E2)
Age - 45 Years
Experience - Rs. 7/4 years
3. Asst. Medical Officer
Pay-Scale - Rs. 20600-3%-46,500/-
Age - 45 Years
Experience - Rs. 2 years
How to Apply
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may send in their bio-data containing post applied for, name, father name, mailing address, category, DOB, Qualification, and other required details with Rs.100 (Only for General & OBC candidates) Drawn in favor of “NMDC Ltd.” Payable at Hyderabad to
Dy. General Manager (Personnel)
NMDC Ltd.,
10-3-311/A, “Khanij Bhavan”,Castle Hills Masab Tank, Hyderabad – 500173
Last Date
For More Information